Gasline Fire Information

Fire Information

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Gasline products are difficult to ignite, and are therefore defined as combustible, but not highly flammable.

Where Gasline multilayer pipe is installed and penetrates fire resistant construction, the fire resistant integrity of the construction must be retained. This can commonly be achieved through the use of fire rated silicone (or similar) or fire-stop collars but refer to the local building code.

Screenshot of Ryanfire Passive Fire Protection for Gasline PEX-AL Pipes flyer.PNG

Please refer to this Passive Fire Protection Guide for Gas Pipes from RyanFire.

For more information on fire collars and sealants, or for expert guidance to achieve the required rating and protection, please contact Ryanfire (email, phone 09 443 0362 for the Auckland office or 03 348 9279 for the Christchurch office) or refer to their website (

Fire collars are also available from Allproof Industries, please contact them for more information or refer to their website ( 

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